Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to lowering cholesterol

How to lower cholesterol that is most easily and safely by keeping your diet. What does it mean? The point is you need to control the type and amount of food you eat. Therefore, cholesterol naturally produced by the body, specifically by the liver, by 80% and 20% were obtained from the foods you eat.

How to lower cholesterol through diet? That is by eating foods low in saturated fat or unsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3). Omega 3 benefit of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Omega 3 is also able to prevent the collection of blood platelets that cause blood vessel blockage (early from heart disease and stroke).

Also, eat foods rich in fiber is also a way of lowering your cholesterol. Fiber serves to bind cholesterol so as not to accumulate in the blood. In addition to foods low in saturated fat and rich in fiber, you can also consume foods that contain vitamin C. Because vitamin C is useful to regulate cholesterol balance.

Some foods that are used as a way of lowering your cholesterol, for example:

   1. Tempe, contains niacin (vitamin B3 is water soluble), which can lower cholesterol.
   2. Fish, rich in Omega 3 (especially fish).
   3. Tea, according to the research component in tea proven to prevent the acceleration of the oxidation of LDL ("bad" cholesterol). Thus reducing the risk of clogging your arteries.
   4. Wine, a catechin fiber and substances that can lower cholesterol.
   5. Pumpkin seeds, vitamin B5 and E that can lower cholesterol in the blood.
   6. All vegetables.
   7. Lean meat.

the second way to lowering cholesterol is regular exercise. Therefore, lack of physical activity and exercise can trigger a rise in cholesterol levels. Thus, regular exercise can help maintain smooth blood circulation and avoid the buildup of cholesterol in your blood vessels.

In addition to adjusting the diet and exercise regularly, how to lower cholesterol which in turn is the controlling cholesterol itself. You can control your blood cholesterol levels in the lab who have cholesterol inspection service. Or you can also control cholesterol to the doctor regularly. There is also a way of lowering cholesterol using cholesterolmeter. The shape and how its use is similar to blood sugar measuring device.
Another way of lowering cholesterol by using cholesterol-lowering drugs. But the consumption of these drugs only if you have consulted with a doctor and have high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia). Some cholesterol drugs in Indonesia, including: fibrat acid, nicotinic acid, ezetimibe, resin, HMGCoa reductase inhibitors.

Some of the drugs that include fibrat acid and used as a way of lowering your cholesterol are: gemfibrozil, fenofibrate and Ciprofibrate. These drugs lower LDL and increase HDL production.

Nicotinic acid which is a way of lowering cholesterol, also known as niacin (vitamin B3 is water soluble), in certain doses of niacin can increase HDL production in the blood. While ezetimibe function of lower levels of total cholesterol and LDL. In addition, ezetimibe also increases HDL by reducing cholesterol absorption in the intestine.

While drugs including resins for lowering cholesterol is kolestiramin. Kolestiramin lowering LDL to throw it through the bloodstream. And how to lower cholesterol through HMGCoa reductase inhibitors include: Pravastatin, Simvastatin, Rosavastatin, Fluvastatin, Atorvastatin.